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Bishopston Skatepark Project is creating a pump track for people to meet, socialise, and have fun in a safe, free-to-use environment. Scroll down to learn more about pump tracks.

We have been working for five years to show the genuine need for a facility like this in Bishopston.

Founded by Jake Gates, Elliott Wadley & Jed Wood in 2018, BSP has always been a young-person led team, dedicated to making a better future for sport in Swansea.

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Why A Pump Track?


A pump track is designed for all things on wheels. By combining rolling jumps with turns they are accessible for all. Teaching the basic skills of carrying momentum, balance and speed by using your arms and legs to pump your bike/board/scooter around the track. A feature that a 5-year-old can roll through can be used as a gap jump for a professional.



As our world becomes increasingly overwhelmed by television, video games and internet browsing, kids are spending a lot less time outside with friends. How are kids expected to grow and develop the skills they will need in the real world if they spend all day sitting in front of a screen? Engaging outdoor environments such as skateparks and pump tracks are great places for kids to build vital social skills needed in the 21st century.



Pump tracks are super unique in a way that they are accessible for anyone. People who have never done a sport like this before or professionals. Younger kids would be able to safely play, riding slower without the fear of a crash because of someone going at a different pace. There will be enough space for them to pass.



Arguably the most important reason for participating in action sports is the fact that it keeps you healthy and physically fit. Providing a unique and special place for people of all ages is so important in this day and age.



Unfortunately, skate facilities are often perceived as negative environments that attract delinquents and illicit behaviour. Misinformed community members conjure up images of graffiti, smoking, fighting and inappropriate language when they talk about skate hotspots. With nothing to do and nowhere to go, kids will usually find fewer positive ways to occupy their time.


Skate Sessions

Bishopston Skatepark Project has held numerous free skate and scooter sessions over the last few years in locations across Swansea.
We have held girls-only skate sessions in partnership with Sported UK and Plan International UK to encourage girls to try skateboarding or build upon previously learnt skills.
The sessions are and always have been 100% free to attend, which echoes our vision of a free, permanent skate facility in Bishopston.

A BSP Member high-fiving a young girl on a skateboard

Article 31 of the UNCRC says that children and young people have the right to have fun in the way they want to, whether by playing sports, watching films, or something else entirely. They have the right to rest, too.
Children and young people should be able to take part freely in cultural activities, just like adults. The government should make sure it's easy for them to do this whether or not they have a disability.

Community Survey Responses

We conducted a survey for the whole of Bishopston and Murton to ensure that our goal accurately matches the community's needs.

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